Benefits of Corporate Partnership
The Chattanooga-Hamilton County Medical Society (CHCMS) has established a program to work with businesses that have shown continuous support or an interest in the Society and its successes. CHCMS salutes these businesses and offers opportunities to participate in the Medical Society’s programs. In consideration of their annual underwriting of events, the members of the Medical Society’s Corporate Partners Program enjoy opportunities to attend several key CHCMS events and meet members one on one. They receive recognition as Corporate Partners on signage and personal recognition by the President of CHCMS at these events. This is a unique opportunity for business leaders to meet personally and casually with local physicians.
Platinum Level
For Platinum Level Partners only, the Society offers a separate Licensing Agreement Program under which the Society may extend access to its logo for marketing purposes.
Signs approved by the Society will be placed at four CHCMS events in which you participate.
- Your company’s name will be listed as part of the Society’s Corporate Partners Program on invitations for events in which you participate.
- Your company will receive special recognition in all CHCMS event programs.
- Your company’s name will be published in the Society’s Chattanooga Medicine newsletter with other Corporate Partner participants, along with any pictures taken at events with your company’s personnel and name of company.
- Your company may invite up to two representatives to attend four CHCMS events (additional fees may be involved for some events), and may setup a display table at events where appropriate.
- Your representatives will have an opportunity to make a short presentation and to disseminate information at a CHCMS Board of Directors meeting.
- Your company may send up to four representatives to all of the Society’s seminars and forums and may display promotional materials at those events.
- Your company will be added to the Corporate Partners recognition ad in the Society’s annual Pictorial Directory.
- Your company can add a link to the CHCMS web site as Official Corporate Partner.
- Your company may receive up to six complimentary copies of the CHCMS medical directory.
- Your company may place copies of its promotional literature in the CHCMS lobby.
- Your company may conduct a product or service related focus group meeting with CHCMS physicians.
- A free subscription to the Chattanooga Medicine newsletter.
- Information about your company will be included in the Medical Society’s new member packets.
- Your name will be listed with other Platinum level corporate partners in Medical Society LegiStats, Info
Gold Level
- Signs approved by the Society will be placed as agreed by the Society at up to three CHCMS events of your company’s choice.
- Your company’s name will be listed as part of the Society’s Corporate Partners on all invitations for events you participate in.
- Your company’s name will be listed in the Society’s Chattanooga Medicine newsletter with other Corporate Partner participants.
- Your company may invite up to two representatives to attend up to three chosen events (additional fees may be involved for some events).
- Your company may send up to two representatives to all of the Society’s seminars and forums and may display promotional materials at those events.
- Your company may be added to the Corporate Partners recognition ad in the Society’s annual Pictorial Directory.
- Your company can add a link to the CHCMS web site as Official Corporate Partner. CHCMS will provide up to two sets of mailing labels for authorized mailings to members.
- Your company may receive up to three complimentary copies of the CHCMS medical directory.
- Your company may receive a free subscription to the Chattanooga Medicine newsletter.
Silver Level
- Signs approved by the Society to be placed as agreed by the Society at up to two CHCMS events of your company’s choice.
- Your company’s name will be listed as part of the Society’s Corporate Partners Program on all invitations for events you participate in.
- Your company’s name will be listed in the Society’s Chattanooga Medicine newsletter with other Corporate Partner participants.
- Your company may invite up to two representatives to attend up to two chosen events (additional fees may be involved for some events).
- Your company may be added to the Corporate Partners recognition ad in the Society’s annual Pictorial Directory.
- Your company can add a link to the CHCMS web site as Official Corporate Partner.
- CHCMS will provide up to one set of mailing labels for authorized mailings to members.
- Your company may receive up to two complimentary copies of the CHCMS medical directory.
- Your company may receive a free subscription to the Chattanooga Medicine newsletter.
Bronze Level
- Signs approved by the Society to be placed as agreed by the Society at one CHCMS event of your choice.
- Your Company’s name will be listed as part of the Society’s Corporate Partners Program on invitations for the events in which you participate.
- Your Company’s name will be listed in the Society’s Chattanooga Medicine newsletter with other Corporate Partner participants.
- Your company may invite two representatives to attend one chosen event (there may be additional fees involved for some events).
- Your company can add a link to the CHCMS web site as Official Corporate Partner.
- Your company may be added to the Corporate Partners recognition ad in the annual Pictorial Directory.
- Your company may receive one complimentary CHCMS Pictorial Directory.
- Your company may receive a free subscription to the Chattanooga Medicine newsletter.
For more information, please contact Rae Bond at (423) 622-2872, or rae@chattmd.org.